Travel distance


We travel up to but no further than 45 minutes from Shorne in Kent. This is to keep Henny’s travel time as low as I can for his welfare, he isn’t just a working unicorn he is my everything! Our maximum visits per day is 3. We are very often fully booked so to avoid disappointment do not delay in selecting a date and time and get booked in.

Our mileage is £1 per mile from our location to you. Please take this into consideration when booking.  Also if you are across the water in Essex toll charges will apply for to you and back again. ULEZ is included as my new car is compliant.

We work the distance out from our postcode to your location using the AA Route planner.

You will also need to provide us photographs of the parking space for my car and horse trailer that you will be reserving.  If we arrive and can’t park this comes out of your allocated time.

We also require photographs of the area that you will be using for Henny’s visit.  This is a pre requirement for our risk assessment.

Please make sure you have enough space for our visit to take place safely.  If at any point Henny is showing signs of distress or children are being unruly the unicorn will be removed immediately!

If using public land you must provide permission and evidence from the land owner prior to booking.